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Category Archives: criminal defense

Am I Being Detained? 6 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions With The Police

Am I Being Detained? 6 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions With The Police

Most people forget that they are protected by constitutional rights when interacting with the police and throughout the criminal case. Police interactions are inherently stressful. It’s normal for people to want to comply with authority, such as the police. Many assume this is the fastest way to get out of trouble and stay out of …

Can posting on social media get you arrested?

With so many different social media platforms making it easy to post your every thought, it is tempting to constantly share what you are doing each day. Many use Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and others to connect with old friends and share things that are important to them. Unfortunately, a lesson that many fail to …

Were you charged with a crime?

Criminal charges are no joke. A single conviction can set your life on an entirely different course than you planned. We are not just talking about criminal consequences such as heavy fines or jail time. We are talking about being fired from work, being turned down for new jobs, becoming ineligible for loans, having your …

Dina Lohan gets community service in New York DWI case

Lindsey Lohan’s mother, Dina Lohan, was in the news this week when she was sentenced in her New York drunk driving case. The actresses’ mother was arrested for allegedly driving drunk on Long Island last September after celebrating her birthday. She initially pleaded not guilty to driving drunk, but did admit to speeding. She later …

Can a smartphone app save you from a DWI conviction in New York?

Drunk driving laws are very tough in New York. People often find themselves pulled over and being accused of driving while intoxicated when they feel like they are perfectly safe to drive. Some drivers even purchase personal breath test devices and read up on drunk driving laws so that they can get an idea of …

Teen uses unusual defense in fatal drunk driving case

Many New York parents of teenagers might agree that their teens do not seem to understand that actions have consequences. There is something about the teenage years that leads a number of teens to demonstrate questionable judgment and test boundaries, even when they have been raised to know better. When they have not been taught …

More women are being arrested for DWI

New York residents may be surprised to learn the number of women facing DWI charges is on the rise. FBI statistics show that the number of men arrested for drunk driving has declined since the mid-1990s, but in that same time the number of arrested women has increased. Male drivers still make up the bulk …

FBI will review thousands of convictions involving hair evidence

In this day and age, many crime scene investigations involve forensic science. While much of the public here in New York tends to think that forensic evidence is foolproof, this actually is not the case. A number of forensic techniques are not a perfect science, in part, due to human error. This is why we …