Your case matters. We commit our full resources and attention to a successful result.

5 Things to Remember If You’re Up Against False Accusations in Court

False accusations are, unfortunately, not at all uncommon in criminal prosecutions and family law proceedings. Some of them arise from personal vendettas, some are based on child custody disputes, and some are attempts at blame-shifting. Your accuser might actually believe their own accusations against you, or they may have fabricated testimony against you. Only human …

Am I Being Detained? 6 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions With The Police

Am I Being Detained? 6 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions With The Police

Most people forget that they are protected by constitutional rights when interacting with the police and throughout the criminal case. Police interactions are inherently stressful. It’s normal for people to want to comply with authority, such as the police. Many assume this is the fastest way to get out of trouble and stay out of …

New DMV Regulations with Significant Consequences for New York State Drivers

Derek S. Andrews, Esq., an associate attorney with Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC, recently assisted the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Motor Vehicle Committee develop a practice notice for attorneys across New York State after new DMV regulations took effect on November 6, 2024. This notice can be found here: https://nysacdl.org/news/687123/New-2024-DMV-Rules-and-Regulations-Changes.htm. We would strongly …

Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC Prevents Loss of Client’s Second Amendment Rights

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Earlier this year, New York State Police accused a Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC client of being a danger to himself or others when they filed a petition for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) using New York’s Red Flag law. An article prepared by the firm describing this …

Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC Saves Clients’ Driver’s Licenses in Back-to-Back DMV Fatality Hearings

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Derek Andrews saved two clients from the indefinite loss of their NYS driving privileges in back-to-back administrative hearings with the Department of Motor Vehicles after they were notified that their involvement in car accidents that resulted in death. In each case, the firm swiftly commenced an independent …

Dismissal of DMV Chemical Test Refusal Hearing Saves Client’s License

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Matthew T. Bennett III was successful in preventing the revocation of his client’s New York State driving privileges following a NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Refusal Hearing. Mr. Bennett successfully argued that there was not sufficient evidence that his client refused a chemical test. When asked to …

Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC and New York’s Red Flag Law (Extreme Risk Protection Orders / ERPO)

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC prides itself on being at the forefront of both novel and complex legal issues at all levels of the New York court system by creatively and effectively advocating for our clients. This mission and theme were present throughout the firm’s representation of a young …

Successful Vacatur of Illegally Imposed Prison Sentence in Orange County Allows Client to Go Home

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. At one of New York’s intermediate appellate courts, the Appellate Division, Second Department, John Ingrassia successfully argued for the reversal of a county court judge’s sentence requiring our client to spend up to four years in state prison. Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC was hired to represent a client …

Not Guilty on DWI and DWAI Charges in Washington County

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. On behalf of a client facing a criminal DWI charge in the Town of Jackson (Washington County), Derek Andrews achieved not guilty verdicts on DWI and the lesser included offense of Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI). While traveling on a wet road during a rainy day, the …

Successful Motion to Dismiss in Criminal Explosive Materials Case

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC achieved a complete dismissal of felony and misdemeanor charges filed against a corporate client that was alleged to have violated various sections of New York State law by improperly disposing of explosive material. Utilizing an understanding of the complex interplay between New York’s statutory …