Prior results do not guarantee a similar future outcome.

Larkin Ingrassia PLLC attorneys recently obtained a dismissal of a DWI charge in a local Hudson Valley Court where his client was alleged to have refused to submit to field sobriety tests and refused to submit to a breath test.

Prosecutors were persuaded that the DWI charge should be dismissed as the police made several mistakes during the course of their investigation. The client, who was also charged with an unrelated crime, was allowed to resolve the case with a plea to the non-criminal offense of disorderly conduct.


Prior results do not guarantee a similar future outcome. Larkin Ingrassia PLLC attorneys recently obtained a dismissal of a DWI charge in a local Hudson Valley Court where his client was alleged to have refused to submit to field sobriety tests and refused to submit to a breath test. Prosecutors were persuaded that the DWI …