Prior results do not guarantee a similar future outcome.

Attorneys for Larkin Ingrassia PLLC successfully argued the terms of an order or protection were overly restrictive. Agreeing with this, the court initially modified the order to remove the overly restrictive terms. Later, our attorneys argued justice was best served by a dismissal of the charge since the client was only accused of violating the terms the court agreed were overly restrictive. Agreeing with this as well, the court dismissed the sole count of Criminal Contempt in the Second Degree.

Criminal Contempt in the Second Degree is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail.



Prior results do not guarantee a similar future outcome. Attorneys for Larkin Ingrassia PLLC successfully argued the terms of an order or protection were overly restrictive. Agreeing with this, the court initially modified the order to remove the overly restrictive terms. Later, our attorneys argued justice was best served by a dismissal of the charge …