Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
According to a 2005 study by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk or impaired drivers were involved in 39% of total traffic fatalities reported nationally. In that year, alcohol was a contributing factor in 16,885 fatal accidents, on average, one death every 31 minutes. In addition to loss of life, drunk or impaired driving contributes to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in personal injury expenses and property damage, as well as a variety of other societal costs.
In response to the statistics, state and local governments have enhanced their efforts to catch and punish drinking drivers. By 2005, all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico had ratified laws making it per se illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 of 1 percent or higher, regardless of the quality of a motorist’s driving. Furthermore, law enforcement and prosecuting agencies have upgraded not only their strategies and tactics for pursuing drinking drivers, but also their policies regarding plea bargaining and second chances for first-time offenders, often leading to significantly enhanced penalties for motorists who would otherwise not find themselves involved in the criminal justice system. This, along with a renewed and aggressive marketing campaign stigmatizing individuals accused of DWI, have created an environment where the stakes have never been higher for those facing criminal charges of this nature.
If you, a friend or loved one find yourselves accused of Driving While Intoxicated or Impaired, the most important thing you can do to maximize your chances of obtaining a favorable resolution is to consult with an experienced attorney knowledgeable in Criminal and the Vehicle & Traffic Law. The attorneys of Larkin Ingrassia, PLLC can provide you with a free Criminal/DWI consultation and review of your case at one of our conveniently located offices. In the criminal justice system, time is often an accused’s most valuable commodity, don’t delay, call today and schedule a free no-obligation appointment.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. According to a 2005 study by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk or impaired drivers were involved in 39% of total traffic fatalities reported nationally. In that year, alcohol was a contributing factor in 16,885 fatal accidents, on average, one death every 31 minutes. …